Management bodies
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for adopting the company's budget, agreeing the annual accounts, concluding the management contract with the Region's government and controlling its proper implementation, and approving the collective labour agreements negotiated by the Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors also concludes agreements with the public authorities and contracts and agreements committing STIB for sums greater than € 2,479,000 and deals with issues not assigned to another body.
Chief Executive Officer
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the company's day-to-day management. To that end, he implements the decisions taken by the Board of Directors and the Management Committee, he places orders and concludes contracts which commit the company for sums not exceeding € 743,680. He receives any sums owed to the company, negotiates collective labour agreements with staff representatives, etc.
Management Committee
The Management Committee exercises senior executive powers over the company's management. It submits the operating budget to the Board of Directors and ensures its implementation. It adopts the monthly accounts, authorises borrowing and lines of credit, signs contracts which commit STIB for sums greater than € 743,680 and less than € 2,479,000, offers and accepts rental leases, decides on the acquisition or disposal of property, authorises legal action, etc.